ANOVA versus Linear Regression


Alex Kaizer

University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus

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ANOVA versus Regression

Different disciplines have different ways to refer to different approaches to modeling continuous outcomes. While I think of most things as forms of regression, you may see the following terminology:

  • ANOVA (analysis of variance): predictor can only be categorical (one-way ANOVA which we considered has one predictor, but two-way ANOVA has two categorical predictors, etc.)
  • Regression: predictors are only continuous
  • ANCOVA (analysis of covariance): predictors can be both categorical and continuous

There are some other subtle differences with the basics of the methods as we covered them:

Feature ANOVA ANCOVA/Regression
\(H_0\) Compares group means Evaluates if overall model predicts \(Y\) better than group mean (can test group means with contrasts and/or cell means)
Assumptions Equal or unequal variances Homogeneity of variances
Post-Hoc Testing Lots of procedures and corrections for multiplicity Do not necessarily do corrections for multiple testing
Covariates Can’t accommodate Can easily accommodate

In practice, the biggest limitation of using ANOVA more often in practice is the fact you cannot adjust for other variables. I often choose regression/ANCOVA approaches, even if I am initially fitting a model with only 1 categorical predictor, because I never know if I’ll need to expand my model to include other covariates in the future. If I have a very well-defined problem with a continuous outcome and single categorical predictor, I may use ANOVA to provide a little more flexibility with the unequal variance assumption.

A more philosophical question is if regression should use the same explicit post-hoc corrections that ANOVA uses. There is no clear answer here with various viewpoints:

  • You should correct whenever doing multiple testing (e.g., fitting linear regression with a categorical predictor) to avoid type I errors
  • You should consider corrections that are appropriate to your setting if your research is confirmatory (e.g., pre-planned, specific comparisons with corrections to control a small set of comparisons)
  • You should only report nominal (i.e., uncorrected) p-values and note no corrections were taken
  • You should conduct simultaneous inference to more dynamically adjust the estimates, p-values, and confidence intervals (e.g., GLHT versus one-by-one comparisons)