BIOS 6618 Recitation
This page includes the responses to various recitation requests submitted over various semesters of teaching BIOS 6618. These topics were covered during Thursday classes, so each request below may appear to come out of left field but related to topics worked on by students during the semester. The questions are broadly broken down by theme, but you may also use the Quarto search feature to try and find relevant pages throughout the course website. Responses often reinforce the content from lecture slides or extend the material to advanced topics. When possible, case studies or simulation studies are used to assist in answering the questions. There is also a page with BIOS 6618 class labs and practice problems (with solutions) on our BIOS 6618 labs page that provides additional examples corresponding to each week’s material.
Prerequisite Materials
Week 1: Introduction to BIOS 6618, Estimators
Week 2: Normal Distribution and the CLT
Week 3: Hypothesis Testing and Power
- Long-Run Properties of \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\)
- Power and Type I Error with Comparison of Known and Unknown One-Sample Mean Calculations
- Power and Type I Error Rate Calculations via Simulation Studies
- Multiple Testing Correction and Their Use in Randomized Trials
- Multiple Testing Adjusting in R with p.adjust
- What are Some Alternatives to p-values?
- How Are t.test and power.t.test Different?
Week 4: Conditional Probability, Diagnostic Testing, 2x2 Tables
- McNemar’s Paired Test and Discordant Pairs
- ROC Curves Under Different Strengths of Predictors
- Creating ROC Curves from Tabular Data
- Diagnostic Testing: Likelihood Ratios, Odds, and Bayes’ Theorem
- Tests of Association for 2x2 Tables
- What Are Some R Packages for Diagnostic Testing Calculations?
- Study Designs and RD, RR, and OR Terminology
Week 5: Bootstrap Sampling and Nonparametric Tests
- Nonparametric Test Choices
- Wilcoxon Rank Sum Examples and Using Vectorized Data in Functions
- Bootstraps: the Normal Percentile Interval and Coverage, the Bootstrap Percentile Interval and Accuracy
- Permuation Test p-values
- Confidence Interval Interpretations and Calculations
- Simulation vs. Bootstrap vs. Permutation
Week 6: Simple Linear Regression and Derivations
Week 7: SLR Diagnostics, Confidence and Prediction Intervals, ANOVA
Week 8: SLR Examples, Log(Y) Transformation
Week 9: Multiple Linear Regression and Matrix Approaches to Regression
Week 10: Categorical Predictors and ANOVA
Week 11: Confounding, Mediation, Interactions, and Polynomials
- Interpreting Polynomial Regression Models, Selecting Your Highest Order Polynomial Term, and Calculus in R
- Classical Criteria of Confounding
- Precision Variables
- Degrees of Freedom with Interactions, Polynomials, and Categorical Variables
- Estimating Pure Error (Polynomials)
- The Three Models for Mediation and Confounding
- Is It Possible to Tell The Role of a Variable (e.g., PEV, Confounder, etc.) From the Regression Model?
- Mediation Modeling Example with Bootstrap CI Estimate
Week 12: Model Selection, Variable Selection, Outliers/Influential Points
Week 13: Segmented Regression, Quantile Regression, Splines, and Advanced Bootstrap Topics
Week 14: Bayesian Linear Regression
No current recitation topics.