BIOS 6618 Materials

This page includes the asynchronous lecture videos, PDF slides, and other materials for Advanced Biostatistical Methods I (BIOS 6618). It builds and expands upon material from its predecessor course Biostatistical Methods I (BIOS 6611). The material is broadly broken down by theme with links provided to download materials or view the videos. A brief overview of the material covered in a given lecture can be viewed by hovering over or clicking the given “Lecture Topic”.

Prerequisite Materials

We assume some material has been covered in previous statistics coursework. No worries if it isn’t ringing a bell, feel free to review the material below.

Lecture Topic Slides Video Link
Probability and Bayes Theorem PDF YouTube
Discrete Distributions PDF YouTube
Common Discrete Distributions PDF YouTube
Continuous Distributions PDF YouTube
Other Continuous Distributions PDF YouTube
Methods of Estimation (MoM, MLE, LSE) PDF YouTube

Probability and Distributions

The first theme in BIOS 6618 discusses core concepts in statistics (e.g., simulation studies, estimators, estimation), the normal distribution, and the central limit theorem.

Lecture Topic Slides Video Link
Intro to Statistical Topics PDF YouTube
Properties of Estimators PDF YouTube
Simulations Studies PDF YouTube
Brief, but Complete, Interpretations PDF YouTube
The Normal Distribution PDF YouTube
Assessing Normality in Samples PDF YouTube
The Central Limit Theorem PDF YouTube
Deriving the Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean and Sample Variance PDF YouTube

Hypothesis Testing, Power, Sample Size

The second theme of BIOS 6618 introduces the framework for hypothesis testing based on null hypothesis significance testing (NHST). We then discuss the concept of power calculations and work through practical examples by hand and using R to estimate power, sample size, or a detectable difference.

Lecture Topic Slides Video Link
Fisher’s p-value PDF YouTube
The Neyman-Pearson Tradeoffs PDF YouTube
Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (Fisher-Neyman-Pearson Hybrid) PDF YouTube
Statistical Power and Derivations for a Two-Sided, One-Sample Z-test PDF YouTube
Power Calculation Examples in R PDF YouTube
Multiple Testing/Comparisons PDF YouTube

Conditional Probability, Effect Measures, Inference for 2x2 Tables

Our third theme in BIOS 6618 explores conditional probability and its application for diagnostic testing as well as studies with 2x2 tables and inference based on risk differences, risk ratios, or odds ratios.

Lecture Topic Slides Video Link
Diagnostic Testing: Sensitivity and Specificity PDF YouTube
Diagnostic Testing: Predictive Values and Odds PDF YouTube
Diagnostic Testing: ROC Curves PDF YouTube
Observational Study Designs PDF YouTube
2x2 Tables Measures of Effect: RD, RR, OR PDF YouTube
2x2 Tables and Tests of Association PDF YouTube

Bootstrap Sampling and Nonparametric Methods

The fourth theme of BIOS 6618 explores bootstrap resampling, permutation testing, and other nonparametric methods for hypothesis testing.

Lecture Topic Slides Video Link
Bootstrap Resample Introduction PDF YouTube
Confidence Intervals and One-Sample Bootstraps PDF YouTube
Two-Sample Bootstraps PDF YouTube
Permutation Tests PDF YouTube
Nonparametric Tests PDF YouTube

Simple Linear Regression

In our fifth theme of BIOS 6618 we introduce, derive, and apply methods for linear regression with a single predictor for a continuous outcome. The lectures include a mix of applied and theoretical content.

Lecture Topic Slides Video Link
Simple Linear Regression (SLR) Introduction PDF YouTube
SLR: Find the “Best” Fit and Summary Formulas PDF YouTube
SLR: Simple Application and Hypothesis Testing PDF YouTube
SLR: Quality of Fit, F-test, and ANOVA Table PDF YouTube
SLR: Prediction vs. Confidence Intervals PDF YouTube
Derivation of SLR Regression Coefficients PDF YouTube
Variance of Regression Coefficients PDF YouTube
Coefficient of Determination and Correlation Connection PDF YouTube
Residuals PDF YouTube
Diagnostic Plots PDF YouTube
SLR Example: Continuous Predictor PDF YouTube
SLR Example: Categorical Predictor PDF YouTube
Transformations to Remove Heteroscedasticity PDF YouTube

Multiple Linear Regression

The penultimate theme of BIOS 6618 expands our linear regression framework to account for more than one predictor. This results in a variety of different applications and topics that are broken down further into subthemes below.

MLR Introduction

Lecture Topic Slides Video Link
Multiple Linear Regression (MLR): Motivation, Assumptions, Example PDF YouTube
MLR: Diagnostic Plots and Multicollinearity PDF YouTube
MLR: Inference on Independent Variables PDF YouTube
Linear Regression in Matrix Format PDF YouTube
Linear Regression with Matrices in SAS SAS YouTube
Linear Regression with Matrices in R HTML YouTube

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Post-hoc Testing

Lecture Topic Slides Video Link
Coding Categorical Variables PDF YouTube
One-Way ANOVA and Connections to Regression PDF YouTube
Post-hoc Testing for ANOVA PDF YouTube
Kruskal-Wallis: A Nonparametric ANOVA PDF YouTube

Special Topics

Lecture Topic Slides Video Link
General Linear Hypothesis Testing PDF YouTube
Confounders and Precision Variables PDF YouTube
Mediation Models PDF YouTube
Polynomial Regression PDF YouTube
Interaction/Effect Modification PDF YouTube
Model Selection Procedures PDF YouTube
Variable Selection Considerations PDF YouTube
Diagnostics for Outliers and Influential Points PDF YouTube
Supplemental Material on Contrasts PDF

Advanced Topics

The final theme of BIOS 6618 explores advanced topics that build what we have covered this semester. It includes segmented/piecewise regression, quantile regression, Bayesian regression, splines, and advanced bootstrap approaches. We close with material that builds a bridge to BIOS 6619 with exponential families and generalized linear models.

Lecture Topic Slides Video Link
Segmented/Piecewise Regression PDF YouTube
Quantile Regression PDF YouTube
Splines PDF YouTube
Bootstrap p-values PDF YouTube
Alternative Bootstraps PDF YouTube
Intro to Bayes PDF YouTube
Bayesian Multiple Linear Regression PDF YouTube
MLE and Regression PDF YouTube
Exponential Families and Generalized Linear Models PDF YouTube