BIOS 6618
Advanced Biostatistical Methods I

BIOS 6618


Statistical thinking can help you become a critical consumer of information while challenging you to examine the world in new ways. Advanced Biostatistical Methods I (BIOS 6618) is the first of a two-semester applied statistics sequence designed to equip students with a practical knowledge of the quantitative methods most frequently used in medical research. This course is an introduction to applied biostatistics, including probability models, simulation, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, resampling methods, linear regression and the use of the R and SAS statistical packages. Concepts will be illustrated using examples in the fields of medicine, biology, epidemiology and public health. Written and graphical presentation and interpretation of methods and results will be emphasized.


Differential and integral calculus is a prerequisite for the course, along with an introductory course in applied probability and statistics. Previous experience with a statistical package (e.g. R, SAS, Stata, SPSS) is also assumed. Matrix/linear algebra will also be introduced and past coursework or experience is beneficial.

Lecture Videos, Slides, and Other Materials

All BIOS 6618 lecture videos have been broken down into modular sections and posted to YouTube. To view the list of videos, download slides, and access other materials, please visit the BIOS 6618 Materials page.

I’ve also added all my responses to recitation questions that students submit each week. The landing page includes all questions broken out by weekly topics, but you may also wish to use the built-in Quarto search functionality located near the top-right of the webpage.

Finally, we also have all of our weekly labs and practice problems (with solutions) provided on the labs page. This includes some deeper dives into lecture material or coding tips and tricks for the labs, as well as practice problems designed to assist on completing course homework assignments and having more practice with the different methods covered in class.

Journal of BIOS 6618

The Journal of BIOS 6618 is the official publication for Advanced Biostatistical Methods I. It has two annual issues relating to simulation studies and applied data analysis. To learn more about the journal’s requirements for submission, please visit the the Guide for Authors page.