Log Transformations and Interpretations in Linear Regression


Alex Kaizer

University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus

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Log Transformations and Interpretations

First, remember that in statistics and mathematics we almost always mean the natural log (\(\ln\), \(\log_{e}\)) and not \(\log_2\) which may be more commonly assumed in computer science/informatics settings or \(\log_{10}\) that might be more commonly assumed in engineering contexts.

When we take a log-transformation of our outcome, \(Y\), it obviously changes the model we are fitting. For example, consider the blood storage dataset from our course website:

datb <- read.csv('../../.data/Blood_Storage.csv')

The dataset includes 316 men who had undergone radical prostatectomy and received transfusion during or within 30 days of the surgical procedure and had available PSA follow-up data. Of the 316 men, 307 have data for prostate volume (in grams) and age (in years).

Let’s examine the outcome of prostate volume and a single predictor of age. The true regression equation, for our observed prostate volume is

\[ Y = \beta_{0,Y} + \beta_{1,Y} X_{age}+ \epsilon; \; \epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma^{2}_{e}) \]

The true regression equation for our log-transformed prostate volume is very similar:

\[ \log(Y) = \beta_{0,\log(Y)} + \beta_{1,\log(Y)} X_{age}+ \epsilon; \; \epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma^{2}_{e}) \]

If we fit both models we also have similar interpretations for our beta coefficients, but they change with respect to what the outcome is:

  • \(\hat{\beta}_{1,Y}\) for \(Y\): For a one-year increase in age, prostate volume increases by an average of \(\hat{\beta}_{1,Y}\).
  • \(\hat{\beta}_{1,\log(Y)}\) for \(\log(Y)\): For a one-year increase in age, log(prostate volume) increases by an average of \(\hat{\beta}_{1,\log(Y)}\).

However, we often want to interpret our outcome for \(\log(Y)\) back on its original scale. Here, we can do a back-transformation from \(\log(Y)\) to \(Y\). For our regression model, this changes our interpretation of \(\beta_{1,\log(Y)}\) on an arithmetic scale to \(\exp(\beta_{1,\log(Y)})\) on a multiplicative scale. This follows for our confidence intervals as well.

Let’s see our example and interpret:

mod2 <- lm( log(PVol) ~ Age, data=datb )

lm(formula = log(PVol) ~ Age, data = datb)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.85316 -0.25833 -0.02639  0.18992  1.56272 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  2.83345    0.18124   15.63  < 2e-16 ***
Age          0.01820    0.00295    6.17 2.17e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.3719 on 305 degrees of freedom
  (9 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.111, Adjusted R-squared:  0.108 
F-statistic: 38.07 on 1 and 305 DF,  p-value: 2.169e-09
                 2.5 %     97.5 %
(Intercept) 2.47681662 3.19008051
Age         0.01239449 0.02400252

The slope is the average increase in log(prostate volume) for a one year increase in age. In our problem, it represents that log(prostate volume) increases on average by 0.0182 log(grams) for a one year increase in age (95% CI: 0.0124, 0.0240 log(grams)).

If we exponentiate the slope, our interpretation changes from additive change to multiplicative change: \(e^{0.0182}=1.018367\). On average, a one year increase in age results in a prostate volume that is 1.84% higher (i.e., 1.0184 times higher). This also applies to our 95% confidence interval: \(e^{(0.0124, 0.0240)} = (1.0125,1.0243)\). We are 95% confident that a one year increase in age results in a prostate volume (in grams) that is 1.25% to 2.43% higher (i.e., 1.0125 to 1.0243 higher).

If we conduct any diagnostics (e.g., plots, calculating residuals), we will do this for the model we fit with log(PVol). Otherwise, we are really examining the relationship of the original, non-transformed PVol that may lead to different conclusions on model assumptions.

The intercept when back-transformed now represents the geometric mean and not the arithmetic mean.